Let's start at the very beginning
We had some fantastic comments and input from our first input to the introduction of Our Forest Returns Saskatoon! We didn’t start from the beginning, that’s for sure. We started over on our YouTube video , indeed. There is illegal trash dumping, and illegal trespass going on, so the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc is an environmental charity seeking environmental protections in the form of motorized vehicle barriers and park identification signs to alleviate problems, and preserve the environment as first steps. This concept was developed at a community meeting held at City Hall with input from a varied segment of the area, and many stakeholders came out. See the minutes which provided the initial direction and were recorded by Trish from the Montgomery Place community which are online! We appreciate all the input, and if you can nominate our charity for the GoreGiving campaign on social media ie. facebook or twitter, it would help so much...