
Showing posts from April, 2023

Food Forest Engagement. Public Survey. City of Saskatoon.

Are you passionate about the environment and the future of our city? The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas, a non-profit environmental charity, is excited to announce an important public engagement survey This survey, conducted by the City of Saskatoon, aims to gather your input on the proposed food forests at Leif Erickson Park and Boughton Park. By participating in this survey, you can help shape the future of our city's green spaces and contribute to a more sustainable and vibrant community. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and our community. Don't miss this opportunity to have your voice heard. Visit our website or contact us to learn more and participate in the survey today! Join us in shaping the future of Saskatoon. Together, we can make a difference! Survey open April to May 2023. Take part now! Leif Erickson Park Food Forest Demonstration Site Boughton Park Food Forest Demonstration Site

CNCYXE Saskatchewan Tourism Week 2023

Get ready, nature lovers! It's time to embark on an exciting adventure during Saskatchewan Tourism Week! Download the free iNaturalist app to your smartphone and join us for the City Nature Challenge 2023 in Saskatoon and area!    From April 28 to May 1, researchers, school groups, citizens, and wildlife enthusiasts all over the world will be submitting their observations of local nature using the iNaturalist app.    You don't even have to be an expert! Just take a photo of any plant or animal you spot, and the app will help you identify it. Teams of experts will be reviewing the data, so you can log back in later and learn more about what you've spotted. By observing local nature, everyone can support vital conservation research while connecting with nature and enjoying the outdoors. Saskatoon and area will be competing for the title of the most biodiverse city!    Help us place Saskatoon on the world stage for the City Nature Challenge 2023! Share your o

2023 City Nature Challenge in Saskatoon and Area Join us !

In Saskatoon and area we are taking part in #CNC2023 ! Join us between April 28 to May 1, 2023 as we take part in this International initiative to collect information about the wildlife flourishing in Saskatoon and area.   Researchers, school groups, citizens and wildlife enthusiasts across the world will be taking part in this race against the clock to put nature on the map, submitting photos and observations of wildlife in their neighbourhoods and greenspaces through the free, easy to use iNaturalist smart phone app.   By observing local nature, everyone can support vital conservation research while connecting with nature and enjoying the outdoors. Whether you are an expert, a seasoned #BioBlitz participant or getting involved for the first time, it couldn’t be easier to join in.     S imply download the iNaturalist app, take a photograph of nature in your local area - whether that’s a tree, plant or insect or animal - and upload.  You don’t even have to know an

A No-Brainer: The Benefits of Picking Up Your Dog's Poop

  Scooping your dog's poop may not be the most glamorous part of being a dog owner, but it is an essential responsibility that comes with the territory. Not only is it respectful to other people using the park, but it also has significant environmental and health implications. In fact, not picking up your dog's poop can lead to some pretty serious consequences that many people don't even realize. First and foremost, dog poop can attract wild animals. This is because the poop often contains food scraps that the animal is seeking, making it a potential food source. Additionally, the scent of dog poop can be appealing to animals that are curious or looking for water. This can be especially problematic in off-leash dog parks where wildlife and domesticated dogs can come into contact. A Healthier Park for All: Why Scooping Your Dog's Poop is an Act of Kindness Clean Parks, Happy Pups: How Scooping Can Improve Your Off Leash Experience The Smell of Responsibi