The Fores Underground. Hope for a Planet in Crisis. Tony Rinaudo. The...
THE FOREST UNDERGROUND: HOPE FOR A PLANET IN CRISIS Land & ecosystem degradation reversal. Protect &rehabilitate watersheds, increase carbon storage & recovery of native biodiversity & crops Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) is a low-cost, sustainable land restoration technique used to increase both food and timber production, and resilience to climate extremes. It is a way to enhance the agricultural land with a supply of ecosystem services that have been depleted by land degradation. Meet Tony Rinaudo Forest Maker bestowed the Member of the Order of Australia and “alternative Nobel” winner THE FOREST UNDERGROUND: HOPE FOR A PLANET IN CRISIS Tony Rinaudo received his Bachelor’s Degree, Rural Science University of New England Australia, and agronomy through the University of Armidale as well as attending the Bible College of New Zealand (Diploma in Bible and Missions). Rinaudo is known for putting forward a d...