Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment Questionnaire and Natural Area Screening
The 132 hectare (326 acre) Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (within which is the South West Off Leash Recreation Area and the 60 hectare (148 acre) George Genereux Urban Regional Park both are part of the Blairmore Sector Plan.
The City of Saskatoon has released the Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment with NEW boundaries containing four reports, two videos and a questionnaire survey online. This City of Saskatoon webpage link will only by online until Friday July 8.
Included in the Natural Areas Screening reporting section is a Natural Area Screening report which gives a report- a real time snapshot in time- on the plants, the animals, as well as insects of woodlands and wetlands. There are photos, and information about what makes the natural area of the forest function, along with suggestions and recommendations from EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. who have a specialist team that focus on the living things around us and their habitat.
There is information about the background of sector plans looking at neighbourhoods and where 70,000 people can live in new areas of Saskatoon.
Also included is the Official Community Plan Sector Plan, The Blairmore Sector Plan, Southwest Sector Area Map, video presentation about the Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment Project and another video presentation about the Natural Area Screening Study.
In the engage section there is the opportunity for you to write out what you think about Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment. NOTE and REMEMBER This webpage link will only by online until Friday July 8, so the time is now to check it out!
NOTE: There is a short amount of time to engage and complete the online survey to provide concerns and suggestions to the City of Saskatoon Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment! The deadline is Friday July 8. Remember, this is your opportunity to make your voice count. When you take the time to provide feedback, then and only then, there may be additional opportunities for another time to provide concerns and suggestions. If there are a plethora of folks who complete the questionnaire, then the City of Saskatoon will consider the opportunity to continue the dialogue with the general public and make another offer after the summer.
What is your level of interest in two urban regional parks as the City of Saskatoon expands opening its doors to another 70,000 residents? What do you think about the expansion of the Blairmore Sector Plan? What is your level of interest in two semi-wilderness areas homes to species at risk? What do you think about Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and George Genereux Urban Regional Park? Do you like the recommendations? Do you have more suggestions? What do you see for opportunities and potential?
What is your level of interest as the deadline is Friday July 8?
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