Reviving Local Heritage Remai Modern Friday, July 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM CST Legacy of Saskatoon's Secret Forests


Celebrate Saskatoon's hidden forest, the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area on its 50th anniversary. Learn about the fascinating life story of the pioneering Global Conservationist it is named after as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the International Tree Foundation that he founded.

Reviving Local Heritage

Remai Modern

Friday, July 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM CST

#movie #movienight #movietime #moviestowatch #movie #moviescenes #movieproduction #saskatoon #saskatooning #forest #forestry #forests #forever #environment #environmental #environmetnalsustainability #environmentalawareness #environmentalimpact #conservation #conservationeducation #conservationmatters #friendsareas #heritage #heritageconservation #heritagetourism #anniversary #anniversarycelebration #birthday #birthdaycelebration #jubilee #jubileecelebrations #jubileeweekend #jubilee2022 #jubileeparty #centenary #centennial #yxe #yxelocal




Robert White, Saskatoon

BSA, MES (Env. St.) Recipient of the first Men of the Trees Prize at the University of Saskatchewan


Paul Hanley, Hawaii

Author of the biography Man of the Trees: Richard St. Barbe Baker; The First Global Conservationist and four other books, and more than 1500 articles on the environment, agriculture, and the future of civilization.


Alan Watson-Featherstone, Scotland

BA Honours Inspirational speaker and the founder of the conservation charity Trees for Life, recipient Schumacher Award, Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Award and RSPB Outstanding Contribution Award.


Leona Graham, Scotland

BA/MA Findhorn Community. World Wilderness congresses, and Director CCF/Cheetah Conservation International Conservation Program Director associated with WILD


Vance Martin, Colorado, USA

BA English/forestry wildlife management. President WILD Foundation, co-founder and President of Wilderness Foundation Global (based in South Africa), & Founder Co-chair of the Wilderness Specialist Group (part of the World Commission on Protected Areas, within the International Union for the Conservation of Nature).


Scott Poynton, Switzerland

MSc Forestry. Founded The Forest Trust, through which major global wood supply companies made historic commitments to zero deforestation. Founder and leader of The Pond Foundation, offering a Carbon Zero program aimed at changing how the world acts on climate change.


Dr. Alan Grainger, England

BSc, DPhil. Researcher and Senior Lecturer in Global Environmental Change and Policy, University of Leeds, U.K


Hugh Locke, New York

B.EnvST. President of the Smallholder Farmers Alliance in Haiti and President of the U.S.-based Impact Farming Foundation


David VanVliet, Manitoba, CA

BA, MEDes, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of City Planning, University of Manitoba, CA


Dr. Camilla Allen, England

PhD University Sheffield, England. Thesis written on Richard St. Barbe Baker and his lifetime achievements globally.


Tony Rinaudo, Australia

BSc AM. Agronomist, Senior Climate Advisor World Vision, Forest Maker, Famine Fighter. Co-developer Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (or FMNR)


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