Protecting semi-wilderness habitat
We come and pick up your recyclables. We do the chore of sorting. We do the chore of making sure the glass are in their own boxes. We do the chore of removing all the lids. We do the chore of filling up with gas and driving the bottles in. Then, we offer to you a charitable tax receipt for your donation! Donate Now.
Did you know? You can receive as much as 53% back through charity tax deductions. You can help the environment doubly, one way is by recyling, the other way is providing your recycling towards environmental education and environmental protections by supporting Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas.
We are a local Saskatoon non profit Environmental Charity named Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. working with your support to preserve 326 acre Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and the 148 acre George Genereux Urban Regional Park in Saskatoon providing an amazing semi-wilderness habitat and home to over 20 species at risk.
The Non Profit Charity has a SARCAN drop and go number of 106100594 should you wish to help out with your own drop off..
Just email phone or text Thanks!
Please help protect / conserve your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )
Support the afforestation areas with your donation or membership ($20.00/year).
Please donate by paypal via
The Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. receives e-transfers via
Canada Helps
Donate A Car
Please and thank you! Your donation and membership is greatly appreciated.
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