2023 Exquisite One of a Kind Nature Inspirational Calendar FOR YOU
Exclusive, Meaningful Gifts for that someone special You Can't Find Anywhere Else. Treasure the scenery of the Saskatoon afforestation areas year round. Each month celebrates a quotation from global conservationist Richard St. Barbe Baker. Enjoy beautifully printed exquisite flora and fauna calendars on premium paper stock featuring an exclusive selection of landscapes, one-of-kind hidden gems found in the afforestation areas. Quantities are limited! Get a membership for yourself or for that someone special, and they will receive a breathtaking 2023 calendar Get ready for 2023, support United Nations SDG Life on Land and Climate Action when you make a donation of your choice to the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas! Make a donation through paypal or ETransfer to the email found at friendsareas.ca We will make sure that your official receipt and calendar gets to your postal mail address, or you can pick up your calendar whichever way works better for you. Did you know? You can receive as much as 53% back through charity tax deductions. Get your calendar today! Check out the website at https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com OR at friendsareas.ca Or contact us now through KiJiJi webmail
The imagery for each month shows six exquisite scenes of landscapes, flora and fauna of nature in the afforestation areas and an inspirational quotation from Richard St. Barbe Baker global conservationist! So this means you get 72 breathtaking images to bring nature home with you year around!
The price of this calendar is your donation to the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas! Or better yet, become a member of the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas to get your calendar today!
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