Join the Movement: Make Your Voice Heard for Saskatoon's Future!

Be a Part of the Exciting Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment Survey!

Introduction: Are you passionate about shaping the future of Saskatoon's green spaces, transportation, and community development? Your opinions matter! The Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment offers an incredible opportunity for all residents to actively participate and provide essential feedback on crucial updates to the sector plan. Let's delve into the details and see how you can be a part of this exciting journey!

Engagement Details: The Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment is here, and the City of Saskatoon wants to hear from you! Following the successful stakeholder engagement in summer 2022, the public engagement opportunity is now available. Attached with a detailed map of the Sector, the engagement comes as an interactive webpage ( with valuable resources:

  1. The Full Draft Sector Plan Document
  2. The Full Natural Area Screening Report
  3. An Informative Video Presentation
  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Document
  5. A Questionnaire for Your Feedback

Be Informed, Make a Difference: The public engagement will be open until August 13, 2023, providing ample time for you to explore the materials and contribute your insights. Your input on topics like land use, transportation, servicing, development phasing, and natural areas is essential. Together, we'll shape the finalized sector plan that will be presented to the City Council for their decision.

Your Voice Matters: Want to discuss the amendment further? Your organization can arrange a meeting with City staff by responding to the email invitation. This meeting, scheduled towards the end of the engagement period, offers a fantastic chance to delve deeper into the potential impact of the sector plan.

Earlier Stakeholder Engagement: For those who participated in the earlier stakeholder engagement, you'll be pleased to know that responses to your questions about the Sector Plan amendment have been thoughtfully included as an attachment.

Take the Survey: Ready to make a difference? Participate in the Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment online survey. Visit the survey link ( and provide valuable feedback on land use, transportation, development, and natural areas.

Promote Vibrancy and Conservation: The Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment encompasses the cherished Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area and George Genereux Urban Regional Park. Consider the importance of conservation and enhancement planning for the West Swale and associated wetland complexes. How can we preserve and enhance the semi-wilderness habitats? Share your ideas on improving park space and infrastructure, encouraging nature watching, and embracing heritage and cultural considerations within the region.

Conclusion: Seize this golden opportunity to shape Saskatoon's future. Become an active participant in the Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment survey, and let your voice be the beacon guiding the way to a vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive future for our beloved city. The engagement is open until August 13, 2023, so act now, share the link with friends, and join hands in building the city we all dream of!

Make your voice heard,  Survey open now until August 13, 2023  Act Now!  This is your opportunity to be part of the community which shapes Saskatoon and the direction for the future.  The engagement page which includes Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, the South West Off Leash Recreation Areas within RSBBAA and George Genereux Urban Regional Park can be found at

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