Green Spaces Matter: Let's Plan for a Sustainable City!

Green Spaces Matter: Let's Plan for a Sustainable City!

Design the Future: Shape Saskatoon's Development and Natural Areas!

Hey! 🌟 Did you know that the City of Saskatoon is making big moves to shape the future of our beloved Blairmore Sector, including our precious natural areas? They're engaging with rights holders, stakeholders, community partners, and even the general public to gather feedback on the proposed Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment! Let's get involved and have our voices heard! πŸ—£️

Everyone's opinions matter, so let's make sure our city reflects our dreams and aspirations! Last year, there was a fantastic stakeholder and community partner engagement that influenced the direction of the draft Sector Plan. You can check it out on their website! 🌐

But wait, there's more! πŸ“š They've created an online survey where you can provide feedback on the proposed updates to the sector plan, including the preservation and enhancement of our natural areas like the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park, and the West Swale Wetlands. Let's protect our beautiful green spaces! πŸŒ³πŸ’š

So, here's the deal: click the link in our bio to access the survey and share your thoughts! Remember, your feedback will directly influence the finalized sector plan that will be presented to City Council for their decision. Let's protect and enhance our natural areas for generations to come! 🌿🌼

Hurry up, though! The survey is open until 5:00 PM on August 13, 2023.This is your amazing opportunity to make a difference! Let's show Saskatoon's spirit! πŸ’™πŸŒ†

hanks for watching, and remember to share this video with your friends and family. Together, we can make Saskatoon an even better place to live, work, play, and enjoy our stunning natural areas! See you next time! ✌️😊

Presented by Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.


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