Spotting Butterflies in Saskatoon: Historic Places Days

🏛️ Celebrate Historic Places Days with us! 🌳

Join National Trust for Canada and Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas as we commemorate #HistoricPlacesDays. This year, delve into the rich tapestry of Saskatoon's natural heritage at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area.

🦋 Did you know? Among the many wonders here, you can spot the Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) and Monarch (Danaus plexippus) butterflies. While both share vibrant orange hues, the Viceroy sports a distinctive black line across its hindwings, setting it apart from the Monarch.

🌿 Immerse yourself in the biodiversity of these serene woodlands, where history and nature converge. Capture your experience with a photo or share your memories to enter our Historic Places Days contest!

Explore, learn, and appreciate the natural treasures in our midst. Visit us from July 10-17 and celebrate #HistoricPlacesDays with Saskatoon's own Afforestation Area.

#NatureLovers #SaskatoonHeritage #ButterflySpotting #ExploreNature


#HistoricPlacesDays launches July 10, 2024, and runs for one week! Join us as we discover the history, culture and story of all these amazing historic sites. Save the date to visit and explore the history around you. @nationaltrustca


Learn more today. @nationaltrustca

#SaskatoonHistory #NatureConservation #ExploreSaskatoon #RichardStBarbeBaker #AfforestationArea

National Trust for Canada / Fiducie nationale du Canada
@nationaltrustca / @fiducienatca
National Trust for Canada





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