
Showing posts from June, 2022

Historic Places Days July 2022

Historic Places Days Thousands of visitors will celebrate #HistoricPlacesDays by visiting historic sites around the country from July 8 -31, 2022. Join us in celebrating through film and in-person. Learn more today! @nationaltrustca Many Stories July 22, 2022 at 7:00 pm Remai Modern Legacy of Saskatoon's Secret Forest Learn about the forgotten Global Conservationist Richard St. Barbe Baker and the afforestation area named in his honour. Heritage through all the senses!  Saskatoon Lad Wins Olympic Gold Medal Eco tour Learn a story about George Genereux Urban Regional Park, a site in Saskatoon that is less well known. Who is George Genereux?  Explore a mixed wood forest Engage in a forgotten story about George Genereux Olympic Gold Medalist. There are so many more ways to explore George Genereux Park than just to have a look around! Visit us during #HistoricPlacesDays to experience the sounds, smells, feeling, and even the taste of our hist...

Legacy of Saskatoon's Secret Forest. Public Screening. Reviving Local He...

Celebrate Saskatoon's hidden forest, the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area on its 50th anniversary. Learn about the fascinating life story of the pioneering Global Conservationist it is named after as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the International Tree Foundation that he founded. Learn about the fascinating life story from global environmentalists who personally knew this pioneering Global Conservationist. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the afforestation area named in his honour and commemorate the 100th anniversary of the International Tree Foundation that he founded. Richard St. Barbe Baker said Our future is in our children; the future of the world is in their hands and in the hands of their children. Let us train them wisely, and see that the understanding and appreciation of trees is part of their heritage. –   Countless people motivated by him are international environmental champions today.   Meet environmental champions personally ins...

Reviving Local Heritage Remai Modern Friday, July 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM CST Legacy of Saskatoon's Secret Forests

  Celebrate Saskatoon's hidden forest, the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area on its 50th anniversary. Learn about the fascinating life story of the pioneering Global Conservationist it is named after as we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the International Tree Foundation that he founded. Reviving Local Heritage Remai Modern Friday, July 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM CST #movie #movienight #movietime #moviestowatch #movie #moviescenes #movieproduction #saskatoon #saskatooning #forest #forestry #forests #forever #environment #environmental #environmetnalsustainability #environmentalawareness #environmentalimpact #conservation #conservationeducation #conservationmatters #friendsareas #heritage #heritageconservation #heritagetourism #anniversary #anniversarycelebration #birthday #birthdaycelebration #jubilee #jubileecelebrations #jubileeweekend #jubilee2022 #jubileeparty #centenary #centennial #yxe #yxelocal 😄👍👨 ‍ 👩 ‍ 👧👩 ‍ 👩 ‍ 👦 ‍ ...

Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment Questionnaire and Natural Area Screening

The 132 hectare (326 acre) Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (within which is the South West Off Leash Recreation Area and the 60 hectare (148 acre) George Genereux Urban Regional Park both are part of the Blairmore Sector Plan. The City of Saskatoon has released the Blairmore Sector Plan Amendment with NEW boundaries containing four reports, two videos and a questionnaire survey online. This City of Saskatoon webpage link will only by online until Friday July 8. Included in the Natural Areas Screening reporting section is a Natural Area Screening report which gives a report- a real time snapshot in time- on the plants, the animals, as well as insects of woodlands and wetlands. There are photos, and information about what makes the natural area of the forest function, along with suggestions and recommendations from EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. who have a specialist team that focus on the living things around us and their habitat. There is inform...